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Production Line Upgrade Tool: Ultrasonic Cake Cutting Machine Helps Efficient Production

scanning: author: from: time:2024-05-13 classify:Technical consulting
High precision ultrasonic cutting can achieve micron level cutting accuracy, ensuring that the size and shape of each cake block meet the standards

     Compared to traditional mechanical cutting methods, ultrasonic cutting has the following significant advantages:

     1. High precision cutting: Ultrasonic cutting can achieve micron level cutting accuracy, ensuring that the size and shape of each cake block meet the standards.

     2. No thermal damage: Due to non-contact cutting, it can avoid damage to the cake caused by heat generated by friction, and maintain the taste and appearance of the cake.

     3. Fast and efficient: Ultrasonic cutting speed is fast, greatly improving the efficiency of the production line.

     4. Easy to clean and maintain: Ultrasonic cutting equipment has a simple structure, is easy to clean and maintain, and reduces production costs.